Wednesday, October 6, 2010


The more I am getting to know these students, the more I love them. Don't get me wrong, there are times when I get so frustrated with some i almost rip my hair out. But all in all, I care for them.
I am starting to see strengths and weaknesses in each one of them, and find my self contemplating ways to teach them even during my down time. I have various activities or items that remind me of my students even when I am away from them. And of course, I have nightmares about all the things that could go wrong while I am teaching.

They are a part of my life. I think this is an aspect of teaching I have never really thought about before. I have always looked forward to impacting them, and my students impacting me- But they are a part of me, a part of who I am, a part of my daily life. This means we share something- whether we want to or not. :-) I hope that what I share with them is a positive experience for them- not just something to get through.

Through the business of the school day I often forget about feelings and relationships. I have been trying to just breathe a few times a day- and take a look at each student and think about how wonderfully God has made them, and the gift that they are in my life.
I love these kids.

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